【活動】Game Night
Eat and play, get to know each other through games. You don’t need to share a lot about yourself, just focus in playing the games.
⭐Provided Games:
1. Uno
2. CS Files
3. Deja-vu
4. DaVinci Code
5. Geistes
6. Rummikub
7. Saboteur
8. Halli Galli
9. Avalon
10.The Game of LIFE
11. Jenga
12. Mikado Spiel
13. Chess
14. Dixit
⭐Date: May 10, Friday
⭐Time: 18:00-20:00 (dinner will be provided)
⭐Participation quota: 50 people
⭐Event Format: Groups
⭐Venue: TIGP building (#75, Lane 12, Academia Road Section 2, Nangang district, Taipei)
⭐Language: English
✱The groups are for TIGP students, DP students and expats at Academia Sinica
💡💡Please register via the following link:
✱Due to limited slots available, priority will be given to early registrants.
About the Speakers:
Counselors of ASCC